Join an exclusive online community of meetings professional members and hospitality partners, plus featured educational resources with the worlds most valuable events for the meetings and events industry can help you to grow.
Create marketing programs to drive event registrations, design an on-brand digital experience and bring people together through vibrant communities. Do all of this while measuring outcomes and integrating event data across platforms.
Transportation can be a really useful tool for advertisement. You know when you are playing a video on your Bus.
Event organizers have a legal and moral obligation to ensure their experience can be equally enjoyed by all.
Sometimes it may be impractical to totally prohibit smoking in an area, for example it may be difficult to manage pass-outs.
There's no such thing as a free lunch, but for employees in many organizations, "lunch and learn" events come close.
Having a robust connection accessible to all brings numerous benefits, from the free publicity that arises.
When event swag is really cool, it can really delight attendees at an event. But when event swag is really lame.
For your outstanding service to the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies in planning and managing this year's Annual Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. As we have come to expect, you ensured a first-class experience from start to finish.
Thank you so much for doing an amazing job on the Land Rover marquee at Polo in the City We have had such positive feedback from the clients, dealers, VIP’s and media. We were the highlight thanks to all your hard work.
Event Planet team for delivering inspiring new collection launches across the country this year. The jewellery display was unique and beautifully executed. We thank the team for their innovative approach that was visually stunning.
Niche, thank you for all your hard work and coordination in developing and delivering such a major event. It was an absolute pleasure working with your professional, dedicated and client-focussed team.
For your outstanding service to the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies in planning and managing this year's Annual Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. As we have come to expect, you ensured a first-class experience from start to finish.
Thank you so much for doing an amazing job on the Land Rover marquee at Polo in the City We have had such positive feedback from the clients, dealers, VIP’s and media. We were the highlight thanks to all your hard work.
Event Planet team for delivering inspiring new collection launches across the country this year. The jewellery display was unique and beautifully executed. We thank the team for their innovative approach that was visually stunning.
Niche, thank you for all your hard work and coordination in developing and delivering such a major event. It was an absolute pleasure working with your professional, dedicated and client-focussed team.
Provide your attendees with exceptional event experiences using our award-winning engagement platform and event app. Bizzabo’s networking community integrates with LinkedIn to create rich attendee profiles. One-on-one messaging, lead marking.
„Autonome Logistik im ländlichen Raum“
c/o evermind GmbH
Essener Straße 100
04357 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 253966-0
Dr. Philipp Guttenberg
Telefon: +49 341 253966-58
Durch meine Ausführung möchte ich die Teilnehmer*innen der Netzwerkveranstaltung auf die besondere Situation, Aufgaben und Anforderung in Bezug auf die Fragestellung und den Erfahrungen einer ländlichen Region hinweisen.
Der Transport von Waren des täglichen Bedarfs - ob regionaler Käse, das heimische Brot, die Zeitung oder das frische Wäschepaket - ist im ländlichen Raum eine Herkulesaufgabe. Viele Akteure, noch mehr Fahrzeuge und jede Menge nicht ausgelastete Ladeflächen, prägen die Wege von A nach B. Kosten sind oftmals unterbelichtet, der gemeinsame Transport eher dem Zufall oder dem „Wer kennt wen?“ überlassen. Dabei stecken in der Sichtbarmachung von freien Ladeflächen und der Bündelung von Transporten, gerade in von Tallagen geprägten Regionen, große Potentiale. Der Aufbau einer Mikrologistik mit Hilfe der Digitalisierung liegt auf der Hand. Doch eine systemische Implementierung kann nur gelingen, wenn potentielle Nutzer mit hohen Fahr- und Versandaufkommen das Rückgrat im System bilden und auch für analoge Probleme eine Lösung geschaffen werden kann. Auch sind kommunale Entscheidungsträger und Verbände gefragt, die den Weg zu neuen Geschäftsmodellen aktiv begleiten.